Matthew Brodeur from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver


Dorothée Edmonde
4 min readJul 16, 2015

Today, I am writing about annoyance…..How often are you annoyed in a day’s span? Many times, I would guess. Does everyone need to know…..maybe. It could be like a dog’s growl, a warning that you are going to blow. Or are you able to talk yourself down from that ledge? Do you have any self control? I will be the first to say, “Not always.” I fail in this area too, but I would like for you to consider a few things the next time you get angry at a seemingly idiotic…



Dorothée Edmonde

I am a teller of stories, a librocubicularist, a seeker of justice, a noticer of beauty in the unexpected, and enlightened daily by the divinity of truth...