Matthew Brodeur from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver


Dorothée Edmonde
4 min readJul 16, 2015


Today, I am writing about annoyance…..How often are you annoyed in a day’s span? Many times, I would guess. Does everyone need to know…..maybe. It could be like a dog’s growl, a warning that you are going to blow. Or are you able to talk yourself down from that ledge? Do you have any self control? I will be the first to say, “Not always.” I fail in this area too, but I would like for you to consider a few things the next time you get angry at a seemingly idiotic stranger…

Let’s examine……while driving your car, someone is in front of you going, in your opinion, very slow. We’ve all been there. Ugh……I am on my way somewhere, WTH? Can’t they just get off the road? Maybe some hand throwing up at this point, some cussing, some mean mugging…..You are working yourself up. Your blood pressure has probably risen about 10 points, your face, shoulders, your whole body is tense. Over what? Someone else’s decision to drive, in your opinion, too slow.

Let’s consider causes for driving slow. Distraction… annoying, it really is….., but let’s admit it, we’ve all been there……….Aw shit, I was trying to balance my zesty sauce so I could dip my french fry in, I was trying to find a better radio station, I was trying to put a pacifier in my crying baby’s mouth, I was lost and trying to find the right turn, I dropped something down by my feet, I was wrapping a birthday present (yikes!), I was seeing what time the…



Dorothée Edmonde

I am a teller of stories, a librocubicularist, a seeker of justice, a noticer of beauty in the unexpected, and enlightened daily by the divinity of truth...